Our Pastor

Dr. Shantel M. Dames-Cox

Dr. Shantel Dames-Cox is an inspiring example of servant-leadership in the Kingdom of God. She is a woman of prophetic vision, excellence in administration and a shepherd after God’s own heart. Serving the Lord and her community for over 20 years, she has learned to remain constant in season and out of season, so that her life can be a living testimony.
A native of Miami, Florida, Dr. Shantel was not raised in the church, but was created in the
mind and heart of God. By the age of 5, her mother fell in love with the Word of God where at home, they all solidified their foundation in Christ each week. Between the ages of 11 and 16, Dr. Shantel formally began attending church and eventually joined a street ministry whose dedication to merging ministry and family had a profound impact on her. As a child battling with insecurities, the Wednesday night youth meetings she attended helped her survive the challenges of life and solidified
God as her anchor.

At 19 years old, Dr. Shantel found herself in the childhood church of her mother, House of
Prayer First Born Church of the Living God. Under the guidance of her leader, she learned how to
stand and wait on God. Here, she served in a multitude of areas including: Sunday School Teacher,
Assistant Secretary, Church Community Liaison, and Special Projects Coordinator. Her Godly love for
children was birthed out of the relationship she developed with God as a child and shaped who she is
today. This love flowed into her service as a Boy Scouts of America Den Leader and Youth Pastor, as
she imparted the wisdom and encouragement she learned as a child from Philippians 4:13 that says,
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
The entire congregation endured the pain of losing two amazing leaders, who entered the
eternal presence of the Lord. They also learned how to unite and claim their church home to be holy
ground, and in 2003 they became known as, House of Prayer Testimonial Temple.
While away at school, a valley experience wrought with painful losses shaped and molded Dr.
Shantel in ways that would birth the spirit of faith within her that was sown in tears. During this time,
God led her to a ministry where she was taught the word of God, receiving training as an armor
bearer and in spiritual warfare. After returning home, Dr. Shantel gave everything to God and
released all confidence to Him as she preached her first sermon in 2016. She began serving as
Church Administrator in 2017, and although she had no formal training for what she was being called
to, for the next two years God put her through boot camp, and the Holy Spirit was her instructor.
Ultimately in January of 2019, she was appointed Acting Pastor.
For the next two years, Dr. Shantel used the wisdom she acquired through the years, as she
looked to the hills for God to help her lead His people. On October 2, 2021, Dr. Shantel Dames-Cox
was installed as Pastor of House of Prayer Testimonial Temple.
From the time she embraced the five-fold gift of pastoring, her unshakable calling to minister to
people has intensified. She is the founder of Divinely Purposed World Outreach, where she is
committed to serving the homeless and economically impoverished community through its food
pantry, in addition to providing hygiene products, blankets, shoes, and Bibles. She serves as a board
member of Total Life Changes Ministries, as a teacher, preacher, counselor; as well as providing
administrative support. She is also the Dean of the School of Business for
Heart Bible International University.
Dr. Shantel is an experienced professional with a distinguished career in the medical field,
providing these organizations with training, staffing, planning, budgeting, and operational leadership.
She has a B.A and M.B.A targeting the areas of Business Administration Leadership, Health Science
Executive Leadership and Project Management. Among various other designations, she is also a
Certified Christian Counselor and Life Coach; Business Coach, and Mental Health Coach. She is
also the 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, in appreciation of her
outstanding community service and leadership excellence from Heart Bible International University.​

Among her greatest joys is being the wife of her best friend and husband, Deacon Robert Cox. With 15 years of love that grew into 13 years of marriage, she is honored to share life and ministry with the one God created especially for her. Over the years, God opened her heart to mother children through loss, as she and her husband parent a beautiful family of eight: Barbara, Jamika, Daijah, Christina, Kernica, Raven, India, and Carter. They are also grandparents of four amazing children: Andrew, Ailijah, Kevin, and Adriana; as well as a dozen of blessed godchildren, nieces, and nephews. Before the foundation of the world, the Heavenly Father predestined Dr. Shantel Dames-Coxfor a great work. In that, He called her… and she answered. He justified her… and she put on His righteousness. He glorified her… and she humbly submitted to His will, as she faithfully serves and leads the people of God with the heart of Christ.